Ensure your heating is ready for the winter | Moorepay
July 20, 2015

Ensure your heating is ready for the winter

close up of radiator dial

In the summer, it seems wrong think about servicing your heating systems.

However, inspection and servicing of Gas Appliances and other types of heating now can prevent issues in the winter.

Summer and autumn are the ideal time to have your heating systems checked in particular checks for Carbon Monoxide.

Often employers wait until the winter for these tests and then discover that their heating system either doesn’t work or has to be switched of until repaired.

This then leaves a cold workplace and a potential breach of the Welfare Regulations.

Employers must schedule a professional inspection of all heating systems, including, boilers, fireplaces, wood stoves, water heaters, chimneys, flues and vents, by completing these inspections when the Heating system is not critical the employer will have time to complete any repairs that may be identified before the onset of any cold weather.

Heating systems that are not functioning correctly can lead to incomplete burning of fuel producing Carbon Monoxide. The best way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning is to have a professional inspection every year and install working Carbon Monoxide alarms.

What is Carbon Monoxide (CO)?

CO is colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. CO poisoning is a persistent and tragic health problem that can be eliminated if people become aware of the danger and take some simple steps…

To help prevent deaths and injuries, employers to:

  • Have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified competent person   every year
  • Install CO alarms
  • Replace smoke and CO alarm batteries when you change the time on your clocks each spring and autumn and check monthly

Note for Landlords

One additional point on the legal side…

Landlords will be required by law to install working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in their properties, under measures announced by Housing Minister Brandon Lewis on 11 March 2015

The move will help prevent up to 26 deaths and 670 injuries a year. The measure is expected to take effect from October 2015.

If you need help on any safety issue, you can book a consultation.

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HR Consultancy Team Moorepay

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