Employee Engagement Software | HR Software | Moorepay
Employees being engaged at work

Employee Engagement Software

HR Module

Employee Engagement Software

  • Drive company culture and communications through one centralised spot.
  • Give your employees the platform to have a voice in your business.
  • Drive proactive change by listening to what your employees are telling you.

Easy to use

Simple, but packs a punch

  • Path
    Personal profile
    From profile pictures to the way dashboards look and feel, go super bespoke and make the platform personal to your business.
  • Path
    You and your employees will see it all plain as day. To-dos, calendars and quick jumps to frequent actions, when we say we’ve made it easy, we mean it!
  • Path
    Announcements & reminders
    Your employees will never miss a beat. Ping reminders and blast announcements to all employees or just select groups.

Why teams love our Employee Engagement Software

Outstanding features that empower employees.

  • Self-service

    The employee panel keeps everything employee focus and on a ‘need to know.’ From click and sign policy updates, to announcements and links to social, build a real community with the help of our software. While you can keep your employees on the straight and narrow with to-do lists and in software notifications.

    Employees can set their status, flagging down if they’re in office or working from home. The company calendar will call out companywide training, events and away days, so your employees never miss a beat.

  • content-paper-edit
    Employee surveys

    Get a powerful snapshot of how your employees are really feeling. Sense check the mood of the business with our employee pulse surveys. Send quick-fire reminders and prompt employees for their feedback via ENPS. Compile your data on a month-on-month basis and make the whole thing anonymous so your employees feel comfortable.

  • Onboarding

    Starting out in a new business can be scary. Our software means your employees will experience company culture from day dot. From customised workflows, to meeting the team and scouring the intranet. Go bespoke with how you welcome new starters, add welcome videos and team landing pages to hold the hands of your newbies.

  • Recognition

    Because who doesn’t love a pat on the back? Our software allows employees to praise one another for a job well done. Send 360 feedback requests to an employee’s colleagues and empower them to do the same for their peers. And with all of that information pulling into performance reviews, you can drive real employee engagement.

  • Employee dashboard

    It’s the mecca of all things ‘employee.’ Drive behaviours, get employees championing your values, eating, sleeping and breathing your mission statement. Customise the view of your employee dashboard, embed your intranet and push important information to the top of the agenda.

  • HR tickets

    Employees can raise HR tickets straight from the software. From hybrid working requests, to access tickets, you can link your HR ticketing system to one central email so you never miss an employee request again!

Easy to access

Touch-free from HR

  • Path
    From announcements and documents, to inputting leave and setting their status. Let employees manage their own data, so you don’t have to.
  • Path
    Peer recognition
    Automate and assign, prompt peer recognition or give your employees the freedom to do it off their own back.
  • Path
    Social integration
    Let’s get social! Pull in your company’s Twitter feed to get the community feel started right from your software!

Happy workforce, happy you

  • Boost retention and engagement

    We know getting the right people in your business isn’t easy. That’s why we’re committed to helping you keep them happy.
  • Reporting you can trust

    From pulse surveys to ENPS, get your data in real-time. Spot trends and areas of your business that need your help.
  • Empower employees

    Give your employees the platform to do good! From praising a colleague, to popping in a request, good software builds great work.

Engage your employees from the start

Our friendly team can show you the ins and outs of our employee engagement platform, so you can see if it floats your boat.

Easy to trust

A secure platform

  • Path
    Your employees will have access to their own, secure, personal profile coming and going as they please.
  • Path
    Data protection
    Get complete peace of mind employee data is under lock and key.
  • Path
    Trustworthy reports
    Accurate data, in real-time. Drilldown into what’s really going on in your business and make the changes you need to.
HCM HR software dashboard features


Enhance employee experience with the Mobile App

Free with HR Software, and beautifully complimenting our Employee Engagement module, our Mobile App gives your employees a joined-up and joyous experience.

See for yourself on our new interactive demo site.

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Three ways to boost employee engagement

  • employee disc

    Employee Discounts

    • Path Support employee financial wellbeing.
    • Path Reduce the demand for salary increases.
    • Path An affordable way to support the interests of every employee.
  • performance management

    Performance Management

    • Path An automated process that’s easy to follow.
    • Path A holistic approach to performance that engages employees.
    • Path Help going above and beyond a tick box exercise.
  • woman and man in gym on exercise bikes

    Employee Benefits

    • Path Totally integrated into payroll.
    • Path Heaps to choose from, and simple to implement.
    • Path An easy way to keep talent happy.

The data behind employee engagement

  • Quickly view accurate data on employee engagement, the way you want it.
  • Drill down into teams and departments, or go get a sense check across the board.
  • Check out who’s using the system, see peer-to-peer relationships and let the data do the talking.
HCM reporting Employee engagement data

Want to learn more?

Discover more about our market-leading HR Software by reading our brochure.

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Badges of honour

Accredited by everyone who’s anyone. We wear our badges with pride.

awards logo CIPP payroll service provider of the year award
The Rewards Payroll and HR Software Product
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hmrc recognised
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SC ISO 9001 logo
SC ISO 27001 logo

Employee Engagement Software FAQs

We answer the most frequently asked questions about our Employee Engagement Software.

What is Employee Engagement Software?

Employee engagement software is the tech that sits around all things employee – there to enhance various aspects of employee engagement. It can offer all elements of engagement or focus in on just one area, such as: 

Surveys and 360 feedback – customisable feedback collection, automated surveys, employee pulse surveys and employee net promoter surveys (eNPS) surveys.
Learning and development – personalised training programmes and online learning to support ongoing development.  

Communication tools – intranet portals, companywide announcements, notifications, and employee newsfeeds all contribute to clear internal communication. 

Reporting – easy analytics on things like employee productivity, absenteeism, engagement survey results and changes over time.  

Performance management – performance reviews and reporting, skills matrix, goals setting, development and progression planning. 

Employee benefits and discounts – to support employee financial, mental, and physical wellbeing, for support inside and outside of the workplace.  

How does HR Software boost employee engagement?

The benefits of opting for engagement software rather than managing this manually sit with its efficiencies, and the ability to scale engagement efforts quickly. Engagement software will reduce administrative workload, get relevant information to line managers quicker, and enable users to communicate positive changes directly to employees. 
Engagement isn’t always easy to report on, and without good employee engagement software, it can be difficult to report on how HR efforts and changes have impacted over time. Employee engagement software makes this reporting easy and can justify additional resources and budget into this area of the business.   
Having complete HR Software covering all areas of HR means departments can spend less time on administrative work, and more time exploring initiatives which will drive employee engagement and happiness.  

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is the level of dedication and happiness employees feel towards their role and the business they work for. It’s made up of many different elements including communication, employee benefits, surveys, overall company culture, development opportunities, collaboration, internal relationships and more. 
Most HR departments will measure employee engagement through employee pulse surveys, or employee net promoter scores (eNPS) to get anonymous feedback and the real sentiment for how employees are feeling at any one time.  

Is employee engagement part of Moorepay’s core HR Software?

Yes, Moorepay has some elements of employee engagement which fall within their core HR module. (As standard with any purchase of HR Software)  

What other modules do well with employee engagement?

Employee engagement is at the centre of all things HR. We recommend looking at a full suite of HR modules for a well-balanced approach to workforce management, and engagement. Most people purchase HR Software with performance management, employee benefits and discounts at the outset, and then purchase further modules when they’re up and running.  

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Take a look at the features and benefits of our Employee Engagement Software