How to Celebrate Your Payroll Staff This National Payroll Week | Moorepay
August 27, 2020

How to Celebrate Your Payroll Staff This National Payroll Week

Payroll Staff being rewarded on National Payroll Week

Did you know that your payroll staff are key workers? Celebrate them properly this National Payroll Week, beginning 7th September.

Yes, we’ll admit it: it’s been a difficult year. With the pandemic affecting every business in the UK in different ways, as individuals we’ve been under a huge amount of both professional and personal strain.

Your payroll staff in particular have had to adapt to so many changes this year: new legislation, dreaded furlough calculations, redundancy payments, changes to parental leave, holiday calculations and more. Not to mention doing all of this whilst adapting to socially distanced offices or home working, with video conferencing, remote server access and home-schooling!

Yes But, Why Are Payroll Professionals Key Workers?

Quite simply, without payroll professionals, no-one would get paid. They have been keeping the UK paid throughout this disruptive time, and have therefore been credited as key workers by the Department of Education.

National Payroll Week is coming up on the 7th – 11th September.

Now is the perfect time to acknowledge how vital your payroll team are to your business.

How You Can Treat Your Payroll Team on National Payroll Week

  • Say thank you. This seems obvious, but sometimes a simple thank you can be forgotten in the busyness of the working day, and it goes a long way.
  • Give a gift. If a simple thank you is not going to cut the mustard, you can say it with a gift instead. Although you could give the usual flowers, wine or vouchers, but we’d recommend something small but meaningful to the person instead to show you really mean it. (Make sure it’s classed as a ‘trivial benefit’ though – you don’t want to give them extra tax calculations!)
  • Celebrate your staff at your next team meeting. Commending your payroll professionals in front of their colleagues can do a lot to make someone feel appreciated at work in a role that often doesn’t get much attention.
  • Host a virtual coffee morning. You might not be in the office at the moment, but you can still do something fun. Why not organise an hour to get together and switch off from work over a coffee or an afternoon beer.
  • Give a cheeky bonus. There may be other members of your team that often enjoy a bonus or commission for their work, but payroll managers don’t often receive these benefits. Why not treat them to something this month? Sure, they’ll have to process it themselves, but I’m sure they won’t mind.
  • Free up their Friday afternoon. They’ve put so much hard work in this year, why not let them leave an hour or so early on the Friday of Payroll Week so they can start their weekend on a good note!
  • Do a shout-out on social. This year, we are sharing Moorepay’s payroll heroes to celebrate outstanding team members in our payroll teams. Why don’t you join us? Use the hashtag #payrollheroes and tag us so that we can share your posts.

We only really notice what our payroll departments do when something goes wrong! But we don’t often think about the great work they’re doing when our payslips come in consistently on time, every time. National Payroll Week is a great opportunity to thank your staff for the hard work they’ve put in during this difficult year.

Wondering what Moorepay are up to on this special week? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to see something special on the week commencing 7th September…

Happy National Payroll Week 2020.
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About the author

Karis Lambert

Karis Lambert is Moorepay's Digital Content Manager, having joined the team in 2020 as Digital Marketing Executive. Karis is CIM qualified, and keeps our our audience up-to-date with payroll and HR news and best practice through our digital channels, including the website. She's also the co-founder of our LGBTQIA+ network Moore Visibility.

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