How to track performance of remote workers | Moorepay
September 29, 2023

How to track performance of remote workers

man with earbuds in on a teams meeting

Hybrid and remote working are now standard practice in many sectors across the UK. So much so that the UK has recently been named the work from home capital of Europe with its employees working an average of 1.5 days at home compared to the international average of 0.9 days. The change to remote working has forced a change in how employee performance is monitored. The common perception that employees are more likely to take adventure of being out of sight of their manager prompts managers to look for ways to scrutinize the movements of their employees.

Advances in technology allow such scrutiny, with workers movements from logging in and off times to how often they type on their keyboard. However, putting such monitoring in place can damage trust between managers and their team members. Focusing on how long someone’s sitting at their computer, or how many key stokes they do per hour is not the best way to gauge how well they’re doing their job.

We have put together some performance management tips to help you managing performance without damaging the element of trust between you and your team.

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1. Setting expectations and deadlines 

Set clear goals and expectations so each employee is aware of the required standard of performance. While it is good to provide them with a level of autonomy you should ensure deadlines are set to ensure tasks are complete in a timely manner. Lay out the requirements, Can they adjust their start times to allow them to do the school run?, attend an appointment?, etc. What tasks are they required to do in the day? How often are they expected to attend meetings etc.

It is key that you concentrate on outcomes and results. Move to assessing quality, results, or achievement of the agreed objectives.

2. Build rapport

Take time to understand the individual team member’s needs, the challenges they face and what motivates them. This will enable you to spot a change in productivity allowing you to provide the right support to help get them back on track.

3. Stay In Communication

You should stay connected with your employees. Remote meetings should take place as often as they would if everyone worked in the same workplace.  If a morning catch up worked in the workplace hold it remotely.  Regular manager check-ins  performance reviews, and on line meetings will help you monitor any potential performance issues.

4. Get input form your team

Understand what you team expects from you, how often do they expect you to contact them. Do they require any support? Etc They more buy in you have from your team the more effective the working relationship is likely to be.

5. Train your line managers

Ensure your managers have the right skills to assist with remote technology. Consider  running an online training session to ensure they are getting the most out of the remote tools that are available to them.

6. Health and Wellbeing checks

Check on your employee’s health and wellbeing during individual chats with your employees. Remember to listen with an open mind. Make yourself available and keep a line of communication open for your team.

7. Objectives

Ensure everyone is clear on what they need to achieve and by when. Focus of tasks rather than hours required to be at work. Ensure the objectives are realistic, that you agree the objectives with your employees and explore any concerns.

8. Feedback

Include positive feedback as well as any areas for improvement. This should still be given regularly and given at the time it occurs.

9. Reviews

Regularly review objectives to ensure they remain relevant to the changing needs of the business.

10. Address underperformance 

Managers should aim to address performance short falls through normal day to day management practices where possible. It is only if the issue is repeated or more serious that formal procedures (i.e disciplinary or capability) should be considered. Managers should not “save up” issues.

The performance issue being raised should be explained and the employees response listened to. The manager should clearly explain the required standard of performance and what needs to be done to achieve it. Be supportive.

Further Advice and Support

If you have would like develop a performance management policy, or have an employee who is underperforming , call our Advice Line on 0345 073 0240 option 3  (selecting option 2 ) for  more specific guidance, tailored to the individual case.

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About the author

Gillian Smith

Gill has over 25 years of HR and employment law experience. Whilst providing HR support and services at the most senior levels, Gill’s experience includes mergers and acquisitions, complex TUPE transfers, organisational development, and strategic change management and complex employee relations cases. Gill currently provides HR support and commercially focused solutions to clients from a wide range of industries including large high-profile organisations and SMEs. She works in partnership with line managers, senior operational managers, directors, employee and trade union representatives to successfully deliver a variety of business agendas. Providing sound practical, pragmatic and business focused advice on all HR issues in line with employment legislation and best practice.

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