Having HR trouble during the World Cup? | Moorepay
June 23, 2014

Having HR trouble during the World Cup?

Having employee problems during the World Cup? It’s unsurprising. As with any sporting event, there are a few employment issues that organisations should be aware of during the World Cup.

Here’s a how to deal with some likely employment issues without everything kicking off…

Sick days

Make your sickness absence policy clear to your employees. Sending out a mass communication saying that it/’s not acceptable to miss due to hangover and they will get a formal disciplinary.


During events like the World Cup, you might consider being more flexible when allowing leave, with the understanding that this is a temporary arrangement.

For instance, if you normally require two weeks’ notice before granting a holiday request, you may decide to allow a degree of flexibility while the matches run, on the understanding that this is an exception.

Website use

While you should have a clear Internet use policy, during events like the World Cup flexible might be wise. You could let them watch or listen to matches at work, with the understanding that this should not detract from their output. This could increase morale and prevent absences

In addition, the increased use of social media  Twitter or Facebook, so a clear policy is useful in this case – which should be communicated clearly to employees.


Don’t assume employers are all supporting England – not everyone will be.

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