Report Designer: eats data for breakfast | Moorepay
December 16, 2021

Report Designer: eats data for breakfast

woman sat on sofa working on laptop

Reporting just went from basic to brilliant. Our Report Designer Tool is designed to make customising and clearly seeing data that adds real value even easier. So, what makes it so special?

Feel like you’re constantly manipulating data in excel? Scrambling for figures to add to your board slide, or spending countless hours just ‘tweaking’ your reports? The sad fact is, you’re not alone. For three years on the bounce, our annual Payroll Survey has shown ‘limited reporting and functionality’ to be the top frustration for industry professionals.

So, listening to the industry and keeping close to the voice of our customers, we developed our Report Designer Tool. Built into our latest Next Generation Software, we’ve made the data users really want to see even easier to access. That means no more settling for reports that don’t quite hit the mark, and no more manual data fixing.


Unlike magic gloves, one size doesn’t always fit all. When it comes to payroll and HR reporting, one user’s ‘heck yes’ might be another’s ‘why bother?’

The demand for higher levels of reporting kicks in when professionals want to get technical with strategy and analyse large amounts of data. While People Analytics tools give a powerful snapshot of the business as a whole. Yet to take a deeper dive into people data more powerful tools are needed.

Drag and drop functionality in Report Designer allows you to generate, design and customise their own reports. Visualising what reports will look like before your data is pulled through, means you can report on what they really want, ignoring the white noise.

Call us biased, but it looks pretty neat too. Report preview options mean you can quickly spot and amend issues. In short, no more yelling at the laptop when numbers aren’t playing ball. Well, not when it comes to payroll and HR reporting anyway.


Ever spent hours faffing with your data, for it to immediately be outdated? The beauty of our Report Designer  Tool is it pulls directly from your payroll and HR data, so it’s always up-to-date.

Save, clone, and edit options mean that instead of constantly searching your archives for the ‘latest’ data is a thing of the past. Just a quick re-run and your data is bang up to date. The outcome? Business decisions based on real-time data, not finger in the air guesswork and gut feeling.


If you didn’t already know, Our Next Generation Software, including our Report Designer  Tool, is built on the latest Microsoft Azure technology. That means no ageing infrastructure, just a secure, cloud-based solution.

Kiss goodbye to being tethered to a laptop, desktop or VPN. Access your data anytime from the cloud. So, when the big boss bangs on your door for a report, you can get it done in a flash.

If you’re ready to leap into advanced reporting and never look back, it’s about time you checked out our Next Generation Software and all it has to offer.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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