The quick way to deal with employee payroll & HR queries | Moorepay
January 17, 2022

The quick way to deal with employee payroll & HR queries

The quick way to deal with employee payroll & HR queries

We’ve all been there: the inbox is stacking up, the phone is ringing off the hook, and let’s not even get started on those furiously typing in teams. Whether you’re a small team, or a miniature army, there are obvious benefits in quickly managing employee queries relating to payroll & HR.

This is the easy way to ship them off your plate, and quick.

Why does it matter?

Call your employees impatient, but when they have queries heading to your department, it’s normally in relation to their pay, and normally they need help pretty quick. A slow or dwindling response is only going to annoy your workforce. It’s these types of inefficiencies that impact employees day-to-day, impacting morale and even retention.

Employee self-service

Probably one of the quickest and most efficient ways to shift queries off your desk is to opt for payroll & HR software that enables employee self-service.

So, what does that mean? Effective employee self-service is part of the software that allows employees to manage their own data, as they like. Yep, that’s no more address changes, adding dependents and chasing down expense claims. When employees manage all of their payroll and HR data all in one place it increases visibility and reduces the admin burden that sits on your desk.

Software support

Need a helping hand? Intuitive software will guide employees and users through it. Meaning when they’re feeling a little lost, helpful hints and guides will pop-up in the system. Think of it as payroll & HR’s agony aunt, the one you didn’t know you needed.

Having helpful in software hints will almost certainly reduce the amount of queries your department are getting on a regular basis.


Feel like you’re always answering the same employee questions? ‘How do I book leave?’ ‘Where is my payslip?’ Yep, employees have a habit of forgetting things, and that puts you first in the firing line for questions. We suggest setting up a payroll & HR FAQs section, maybe on your company intranet, essentially the more visible the better!

You can always run FAQ workshops so you can show and tell employees the quick way to navigate the system all in one go, rather than going through it hundreds of times.

Internal ticketing

If you’re a small team, or a team that sees a lot of queries, it might be worth investing in internal ticketing. Or ensuring that queries go to one central email address, that will stop just one member of the team getting hit by every man and his dog. We also suggest adding an automatic reply on the email address that sets expectations with when you’ll be getting back to your employees.

Feel like you’re getting more employee payroll & HR queries than you should be? It could be because your software and support isn’t up to scratch. Check out our payroll software and managed services.

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About the author

Karis Lambert

Karis Lambert is Moorepay's Digital Content Manager, having joined the team in 2020 as Digital Marketing Executive. Karis is CIM qualified, and keeps our our audience up-to-date with payroll and HR news and best practice through our digital channels, including the website. She's also the co-founder of our LGBTQIA+ network Moore Visibility.

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