Workforce management and pay done proper | Moorepay
April 30, 2024

Workforce management and pay done proper

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We’ve made sneaky little advancements to our existing integration with RotaCloud, now more powerful than ever. Here’s what that integration looks like. 

Our HR Software has been syncing RotaCloud data since the dawn of time. After carefully listening to our customers, it made only perfect sense to crack out the dusting rags and polish up this integration.

The brief: more data syncing the way customers want, to where they want it.

Light work for our product team.

So, what does that mean for customers? Well, less time laboriously tracking employee hours and aligning it to pay, and more time channelling efforts into people, processes and positive change.

Easy to use

We all feel the pressure of payroll peak. Shrouded by frantic frazzle, the last thing you need is manual data exports from one system into another, simply to get your people paid.

With our updated connection to time and attendance provider, RotaCloud, you can enjoy data effortlessly syncing to payroll. That means less time manhandling it in Excel, hoping and praying it somehow translate to accurate pay. Just let the data sync itself and payroll calculations run automated alongside.

Easy to access

Sure, we have a belt and braces Time & Attendance platform as part of our portfolio, but we recognise people have platforms they already know and love. We’ve always said ‘heck no’ to ditching apps that make sense to your employees. We want an accessible platform that integrates into your way of working, rather than disrupting it.

Our easy to access open APIs mean data can ping straight over to our system, no problem. RotaCloud being a perfect example of just one of the many platforms we integrate straight into. That means you can ship the data you need, and want, touch-free and automated.

Easy to trust

No one wants to ponder if payroll is correct every pay run, and incorrect pay is a sure-fire way to drive a wedge between you and your employees. CIPP found 21% of Brits have changed jobs after being paid late or inaccurately by their employer.

Build trust with your employees, and ensure they never have to question the accuracy of their payslip ever again. Our super sync between RotaCloud and our payroll engine means you can feel confident you’re paying your employees accurately, for the hours they actually work – rather than relying on dodgy clock-in times!

Want to find out more about our easy to access software? Get in touch today to book a personalised demo with one of our experts.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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