Your checklist for data that should pull from HR to Payroll | Moorepay
May 3, 2021

Your checklist for data that should pull from HR to Payroll

Your checklist for data that should pull from HR to Payroll

Payroll and HR, Bonnie and Clyde, Beyoncé and Jay-Z. You simply can’t have one without the other!

Whether your payroll sits within the HR team, finance, or you have a separate dedicated team altogether, the two are always intricately linked. And having data accurately pull from one to the other is essential for accurate payroll processing and HR processes.

How to transfer data?

There are a few ways you can get data from your payroll and HR – namely carrier pigeon, letter and smoke signals.

In all seriousness, the most reliable way to get your data from one to another is to opt for a provider who supplies both your payroll and HR. That way your records will be automatically updated across the whole platform if you or one of your users makes a change.

APIs, once set up, are a reliable way to get your data to communicate across platforms. However, this can be a longer process and does require development work. Check out our blog on what you need to kick-start APIs here.

Flat file transfer is used by many to get data from one place to another. It’s worth noting that data transfer needs to be secure: adhering to internal and external security policies and legal data protection.

What data do both payroll & HR need?

Salary & contract changes

Your payroll or HR software will need to know your employees’ contracted salaries in order to pay them correctly. We know – shocking! Likewise, changes to contract e.g a promotion, a change of hours that impacts their pay will again need to be updated in payroll.


Depending on how your business operates and the approval process, employee expenses often are processed through HR. However, depending on when and how expenses are claimed, this information may need to flow through into payroll too. For example, if expenses are given back with salaries at the end of the month.


If you offer your employees benefits through salary sacrifice, then this information must flow through to your payroll and then be reflected in employee pay. Otherwise you might be footing the bill for their gym membership!


Whether it’s long periods of leave, sabbatical, parental or maternity leave, all of these absences impact pay. Therefore, it is very important that leave requests are approved and inputted through HR and then mirrored in employee pay.

Personal details

You know the basics: name, DOB, marital status (which might impact pay dedications, NI & tax) and people’s address are both needed for HR and payroll too. Clever software will take note of employee self-service changes in systems and mirror them across payroll & HR.

Sick of transferring data back and forth between your payroll & HR providers? Opt for a supplier who does both. Learn more about our payroll solutions and our HR software.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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