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June 26, 2023

Misconduct at work | Being the last to know

In HR management, you know that it's your job to deal with misconduct and create a safe and productive work environment for your employees. But what happens when you find out that misconduct is happening at your company, and you - as the manager, are the last to know. The first step is to deal with the misconduct at work Gather as much information as you can about the misconduct. This might mean talking to witnesses or reviewing documents. The more information you have, the better…

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worker complaining to boss
June 9, 2023

Understanding rolled-up holiday pay

Please note, legislation has been updated in regards to holiday calculations since this article was written, effective for holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024. If you’re a Moorepay client, please contact us if you need guidance. Otherwise, please see this article on the changes for more information.  Roll up, roll up, for an article explaining rolled-up holiday pay: what it is, when it’s used, and when you should avoid it.  Rolled-up holiday pay is one method for paying employees for their statutory holiday entitlement, where…

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colleagues laughing at PC
June 6, 2023

Supporting LGBTQIA+ mental health at work

Supporting your employees' mental health and wellbeing is increasingly more important for employers, HR professionals, and line managers. As part of this, it's essential to address the mental health challenges that LGBTQIA+ individuals disproportionately face, including their unique experiences that may impact their mental health in and outside of the workplace. Due to LGBTQIA+ people often experiencing societal prejudice and discrimination - both first hand and seeing it done to others in their community - LGBTQ+ people are at a higher risk of mental health…

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LGBTQ+ mental health
May 31, 2023

11 tips for successful recruiting

With more jobs than employees, finding a new team member with the right skill set is more challenging now than ever before. The high costs of recruitment mixed with the increased emphasis on ensuring that the right recruitment decisions are made make the thought of hiring a new employee a daunting task. We have put together some tips to help you run an effective recruitment process, fill vacancies more quickly and effectively, and most importantly recruit the right person for the role. Have a look at…

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employments rights order
May 30, 2023

Why celebration and joy is a vital part of Pride

To combat discrimination and promote LGBTQIA+ equality, activism is a big part of Pride Month’s focus in the UK and widely across the globe. However, our LGBTQIA+ network Moore Visibility champion that making a space for joy and celebration during Pride is equally vital for all.  What is “queer joy”?  The term “queer joy” is used to represent the deep happiness that any person can feel from experiencing signs of progress towards gender and sexual equality and diversity. For example, it can be a queer…

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Pride month in June!
May 29, 2023

How to give employee recognition

Recognising and appreciating employees for their hard work and contributions is vital for creating a positive and motivated work environment. It not only boosts employee morale but also enhances overall productivity and retention rates. Let’s explore various strategies and techniques on how to give employee recognition. What to say to recognise an employee When acknowledging an employee's achievements, it's important to be sincere and specific. Instead of generic compliments, provide personalised feedback that highlights the employee's specific contributions. Here are a few phrases you can…

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woman being praised by her employer
May 25, 2023

How to effectively manage sickness absence

An estimated 185.6 million working days were lost because of employee absence in 2022; this level was a record high, but the number of days lost per worker, at 5.7, was not according to a recent survey. All age groups experienced increases in their sickness absence rate in 2022. By far the most common reason given for being absent from work was minor-illness. Fewer organisations this year include non-genuine ill-health among their top causes of short-term absence. More importantly, mental ill-health is increasingly prevalent as…

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woman talking to a man
May 23, 2023

Holiday entitlement for different employment types

Please note, legislation has been updated in regards to holiday calculations since this article was written, effective for holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024, so some of the content below may be out-of-date. If you're a Moorepay client, please contact us if you need guidance. Otherwise, please see this article on the changes for more information.  Giving the correct holiday entitlement for different types of workers can be very confusing. And the legislation behind them can be more confusing still! But it’s…

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Holiday entitlement types
May 16, 2023

Case Law | McAllister v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

Since many employees who are off sick for a long time have a health condition that affects their ability to go to work, it’s likely they will have a disability for employment purposes. In general, this means the employer must: Not treat the employee less favourably because of their disability or any symptoms of their condition than they would treat others. Make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure the employee with the disability is not put at a disadvantage. Many employers will know they cannot dismiss somebody…

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employees having a meeting
May 10, 2023

Eight ways managers can support their employees’ mental health

Better mental health support at work will not only benefit the staggering 14.7% of your staff affected, it can save UK businesses up to £8 billion per year. Here are eight ways you can support your employees. According to recent statistics, 1 in 6.8 of people are experiencing mental health problems in the workplace. And after the pandemic, the war on Ukraine, and the cost of living crisis, your employees have a lot on their plate right now. reports 12.7% of all sickness absence…

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two women talking