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March 7, 2024

Empowering women to pursue leadership

It's time to shatter those glass ceilings, strive towards a more inclusive space, and climb higher than ever before. Let's unleash the power of women in the workplace! "Representation on a leadership level is so important – and even the layers below. The more diverse a leadership team is, the better the business will be."Michelle Hobson, Moorepay's HR Services Director According to various studies and reports, including the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, the representation of women in senior management roles varies across…

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four women discussing around a table
March 7, 2024

International Women’s Day | Let’s #InspireInclusion

In our conversation with Michelle Hobson, Moorepay’s HR Services Director, we delve into the barriers women face in leadership. As we celebrate International Women's Day, Michelle shares insights on championing diversity and working towards a better, more inclusive workplace.  What's the main barrier between women and senior leadership? I think as a society we have made positive improvements and some aspects of gender inequality have been stamped out, for the most part. For example, inappropriate behaviour towards women in the workplace, although unfortunately can still…

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international women's day break the bias interview
March 7, 2024

Five reasons the world needs more women in leadership roles

Let's face it, women have been battling it against the odds forever, especially in the workplace. So, we think it's about time to shine a light on the importance of female leadership and tackle the barriers to success head-on! It's a tale as old as time - women are unfairly undervalued in society, and in the workplace. Despite tremendous progress in recent years, there's still a lingering misogyny that hinders women's advancement in various industries. In this post, we aim to shine a spotlight on…

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women working on laptop and woman holding pen and note pad
March 7, 2024

Developing your talent strategy: five tips for success

Attracting, developing and retaining your best employees is no easy feat - particularly in such a competitive job market. Here's how you can recruit and keep your incredibly valuable people by using a strategic approach. The UK talent market is tough for employers right now, with 80% of UK employers struggling to find the talent they need. Despite some recovery after the pandemic, record numbers of vacancies continue to go unfilled. Employers are having to offer more flexibility to engage their staff - but could…

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HR leaders developing a talent strategy
March 6, 2024

What is Agile HR, and how to get started

Unless you’ve been buried under paperwork for the last decade (entirely plausible in the HR world), you’re bound to be familiar with the concept of ‘Agile’ project management. In this article, we outline how you can apply these concepts to HR operations. When was Agile introduced? Agile methodology was the brainchild of software engineers, developed as a way to speed up their development projects, and was formalised in 2001. It was founded on the principles of collaboration and iteration – breaking down large, complex projects…

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HR department using agile hr methodology
March 5, 2024

How to communicate brilliantly as a manager

Being a manager puts you in a difficult position: you've got to champion your reports, whilst keeping the business' goals in mind. Whether you're new to a managerial role, or want to refresh your communication skills, here are our recommendations. Balancing different needs One of the first things many new managers notice is the position that having authority puts them in. Now, they are privy to the business' wider ways of thinking including stances on certain areas, such as performance goals and salary tactics. For…

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manager communication brilliantly with happy staff member
March 5, 2024

Dealing with an employee who’s always late

Unforeseen roadworks, a missed alarm, or the elusive bus - we're all late from time to time; it just happens! But when lateness becomes persistent, it's time to address it. Join us as we run through the best approach to managing an employee who's always running against the clock. Being punctual isn't just a nicety - it's a necessity for productivity and business success. One of the most common challenges that impacts on the effectiveness of a company is employee lateness. Employers understand that occasional…

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man drinking coffee and checking his watch
March 1, 2024

Aligning your people with your talent strategy

How do you get your business, and your employees, on board with your talent management strategy? Here's how you align talent management with your business goals, and get buy-in from your internal stakeholders. Companies that align talent with business strategy outperform others by 16%, retain 30% more top performers, and see 34% higher employee performance. Bearing this in mind, as well as new technologies and ways of thinking being popularised in the industry (see our article on Agile HR), it's no wonder there is renewed…

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employees on video call aligning their talent strategy to business goals
March 1, 2024

Complaints about pay: how to handle wage concerns

Whether it's office gossip at the water cooler or misleading information on the web, your employee thinks they're being short-changed. So what do you do? We've put together a step-by-step guide to help you handle the situation like a pro. Salary is an incredibly emotive topic in the workplace, and as soon as someone thinks they’re being underpaid, they’re likely to make a beeline for their manager. If that manager happens to be you, knowing how to spring into action will prevent the issue from…

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woman looking at man in confusion holding paper
February 29, 2024

Recognising your employees – small gestures can have a big impact

It's essential employee's feel like their hard work is being acknowledged, and so we've put together our best tips and tricks for making your team feel appreciated. Lets dive in and say 'cheers!' to the unsung hero's! Employee recognition is a way to engage and motivate your employees showing that you appreciate them and all their hard work. We know employees are not all motivated by the same thing and it’s important to acknowledge that employee recognition strategies will also be received and valued in…

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woman shaking mans hand and smiling