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June 1, 2022

How to prevent age discrimination in recruitment

Are you guilty of assuming older workers are less likely to be interested in training or even career progression? If so, you may need to re-think your assumptions. People are living longer, more healthy lives and expect to be able to continue to work for longer. Whilst around a third of people currently in work are between the ages of 50 and 64, with a further 1.2 million being over 65, there are still almost one million people over 50 who want to work but…

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Age discrimination in recruitment
May 18, 2022

Supporting your (current and future) trans and nonbinary employees

Supporting your trans and nonbinary employees, in conversation with Cayce Marshall, Head of Pricing at Zellis. Watch the video below for the highlights and read on for the full interview. If you're not sure what all of the terms mean in this interview, feel free to read our article on the definitions used in LGBTQIA+ community first, and come back. How can employers give a warm welcome to trans employees in their business? When you’re thinking about how to make trans and nonbinary people feel…

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video call on laptop
May 17, 2022

The history of gay pride in the UK

The first gay pride march took place in London on 1st July 1972 and has been an annual celebration of LGBTQIA+ rights ever since (except during the pandemic of course). During this time we ask, how far have the civil rights of gay people come in the last 50 years? It’s time to come together. Recent UK history is full of incremental advances in the rights for LGBTQIA+ people, which the community campaigns for during Pride celebrations. Here are a few key events that have…

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pride parade with flags
May 16, 2022

Case law | Tribunal finds a Sainsburys duty manager dismissed for harassing colleagues after brain injury was discriminated against.

The judge found that Sainsburys did not appear to consider the possible or, in the tribunal’s view, ‘obvious’ impact of Mr Kelly’s brain injury on his behaviour. Mr Kelly began his employment with Sainsburys in March 2002 and was involved in a serious road traffic accident in May 2004. Between his return and the incident which led to Mr Kelly’s dismissal, there were other examples of behaviour where he was said to have insulted female colleagues. One such incident led to a formal disciplinary process,…

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hand gavelling
May 12, 2022

What is a Mental Health First Aider?

We all know there's still a stigma around mental health in the workplace. For many, it’s a taboo subject that we don't talk about, with the expectation that it won't impact upon our job if we keep quiet. But it's very obvious this approach doesn’t help anyone - neither the employee who has the issue, nor the company they work for. With a staggering 70 million work days lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per…

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what is a mental health first aider
May 11, 2022

Twelve frequently asked questions when recruiting staff

During what is being dubbed as ‘The Great Resignation’, many employers are having to recruit new members staff. But how sure are you that what you’re doing is legally compliant? We've listed these twelve common questions that employers often ask us when looking to take on on new employees. 1. Can I ask candidates to complete a medical questionnaire when applying for a vacancy, or question them about their health at an interview? Only when you make an offer of employment is it safe to…

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woman shaking hands with an interviewer
May 9, 2022

Improving your payroll processes | Next Generation Software

Listening to customer feedback our product team have been working hard to make improvements to payroll processing in our software. They’re just selfless like that. So, what do new features in our payroll software look like and what value are they adding to you and your processes? Future dated salary changes At the top of what can only be described as a very long customer wish list was Future Dated Salary changes. It kinda does what it says on the tin. With the developments of…

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nextgen payslip breakdown on laptop screen
May 6, 2022

Introducing Work Report | Streamlining the approval processes for employees

Work Report. Helping employees and you. Covering a company-wide salary increase, dealing with a huge grievance case and staffing shortages, it’s no surprise verifying an employment status for one of your staff has slipping down the to-do. Wherever it might sit in your priorities, it could be a deal breaker for your employees. We’re here to take one more thing off your list. What is Work Report™? Work Report™ is a new employment and income verification service supplied by Experian, the world’s leading information services…

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work report
April 26, 2022

Is throwing a surprise birthday party at work still a good idea?

An employee from Kentucky was dismissed after suffering panic attacks at work due to a surprise birthday party against his wishes. As a result, he was awarded a £345,314 pay out. This case prompts us to question - is throwing birthday parties at work still a good idea? The case The employee, who suffers from anxiety disorders due to childhood trauma, had asked his manager not to throw any parties for him due to his disability. However, the manager went ahead against the employee's wishes,…

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staff holding a surprise birthday party
April 22, 2022

Legislation help: How to keep up with payroll updates

Businesses across the UK are forever seeing payroll updates coming thick and fast. So, how do you keep up with the latest payroll updates? With so much to remember - and so much at stake if you get it wrong - where do you start? We've got a couple of tips to help you, keep reading to find out more. Email alerts If you want the latest changes to payroll legislation sent directly to your inbox – sign up for relevant email alerts. A great…

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payroll updates