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February 28, 2024

Dealing with an employee with a negative attitude

Tired of the office grump? Fear not! In this guide, we’ll be covering all the do’s and don’ts for dealing with employees with a not-so-sunny disposition regarding the work place. It's not uncommon for a workplace to have one or two employees that are known for their negative attitude towards their jobs. Unfortunately, the negative attitude exuding from just a couple of members of staff can have a negative impact upon the entire workforce and even the success of the business. Given enough time, this…

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stressed woman rubbing her face under glasses
February 28, 2024

Top ten holiday tips to avoid April Fools’ trickery

April 1st has been a day of practical jokes and trickery for centuries. I’m sure most of us have been sent for a long stand in our time. Or given a phone number to speak to Mr Lyon which turned out to be the number for the local zoo or wildlife park. This year, April Fools’ Day is also the day some new holiday legislation takes effect. And it’s Easter Monday. So what is it that makes April 1st tricky for holidays this year? Here…

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woman stretching sat at laptop
February 27, 2024

GDPR: How long should you keep your HR records?

Keeping up with the ever changing landscape of GDPR is essential for business success. But in our venture to stay compliant, we might be holding onto data for longer than necessary. So, how long is too long? We've put together this simple guide to help you know where you stand. The law has always required you to keep HR records. The Data Protection Act (DPA), which governs this area, stipulates statutory retention periods for some records – for example, payroll data, P60s and P45s must be…

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woman smiling down at laptop
February 26, 2024

Paternity leave entitlement in the UK: FAQs

Is your business going through a baby boom? Is navigating the ever-changing types of leave available to parents giving you a healthy dose of baby brain? Fear not. We’ve pulled together our ultimate Paternity Leave employer guide and FAQ’s especially for you. Paternity leave is an optional leave of absence that partners may take to bond with their new child. It’s essential that you, as a business, know your responsibilities. Although the word ‘paternity’ itself refers to men, Statutory Paternity Leave and Pay is available…

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Paternity Leave
January 30, 2024

The effects of being falsely accused | What we can learn from the Post Office scandal

The Post Office Horizon scandal saw over 900 sub-postmasters wrongly convicted of theft due to a faulty computing and accounting system called Horizon. Although the scandal has been well publicised since 2000, the recent ITV drama, Mr Bates vs The Post Office exposed the scale of the UK’s most widespread miscarriage of justice and the impact it had on those falsely accused and wrongly convicted. Many lost their jobs, homes, and lifesavings. Marriages broke down, and some families believe the stress led to ongoing health conditions, addiction…

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post office sign
January 30, 2024

Love is in the air

...everywhere I look around. Sang by John Paul Young back in 1977, and still dusted down each year and thereafter as part of Valentines Day celebrations every February 14. Valentines Day has always been synonymous with love and relationships, where people send cards and flowers and have romantic meals out for two. But how does this positive outpouring of love translate within today’s modern workplace, where equality and sensitivity should take a precedence.  What can organisations put in place so not to cause any upset…

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Valentines day at work
January 28, 2024

Is redundancy pay pensionable?

If you’re making redundancies in your business, you might be wondering what to do about your employees’ final redundancy payments regarding their pension. Do employers have to take pension contributions from redundancy pay? Can employees choose to add more into their pension pot? We go through the process below. If you make an employee redundant, do you have to take pension contributions from their redundancy pay? When an employee gets made redundant, they’re usually entitled to a redundancy payment, separate to their salary, holiday pay,…

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is redundancy pay pensionable
January 15, 2024

Eight easy ways to boost your employees’ wellbeing on Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday. Coined back in 2005, it's thought to be the most depressing day of the year for many. So, while we make it through one cup of tea at a time, it's also important for businesses to prioritise their employees' wellbeing. We've put together this list of how you can easily support your employees in beating the Monday blues. Here are our eight top suggestions. 1. Initiate kindness When times are tough, it's well reported that small acts of kindness can make…

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boost wellbeing blue monday 2021
January 11, 2024

Case law | Back to basics and the importance of natural justice

Warehouse worker, dismissed for video on social media, in which he is accused of grooming a 14-year-old girl, was unfairly dismissed and awarded a total of £21,449.93. One of the most highly read cases of 2023, is the case of Mr. D Whyley and Gypsumtools Ltd. It highlights the importance of following your own company procedures and the ACAS Code of Practice.  It’s also a reminder that no case should be predetermined, not everything is what it seems, and it’s an employer’s responsibility to investigate and establish all…

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January 4, 2024

Yet more changes to holiday calculations

The Government has set new regulations when it comes to holiday and holiday pay, effective from April this year. Here’s what you need to know. April ’24 lead date The new Regulations took effect on 1st January 2024. However, they relate to leave years starting on or beyond April 1st. Of course, most employers use a 1st January – 31st December leave year - which may mean some HR head-scratching to decide what to do and from when. If you decide to change your current…

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woman holding card working on sofa