Paying respect with National Payroll Week | Moorepay
September 5, 2014

Paying respect with National Payroll Week

This week was National Payroll Week – an ideal opportunity to thank your company’s payroll department for their hard work.

National Payroll Week ran from 1st to 5th September. Hosted by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), National Payroll Week is dedicated to raising awareness of the important part that payroll plays in the UK economy.

Created to raise awareness and recognise those professionals in the payroll industry, it also acts as a campaign to teach workers about how there pay and benefits works.

Taxable income accounts a huge amount of the the UK economy – nearly of all taxable revenues, accounting for around £500 billion pounds – which includes income tax and national insurance.

Educating everyone on the importance of financially contributing and getting a full understanding of where the Government are spedning the money.

For example, there are ever-changing rules and legislation that every organisation must comply with including such as Pensions Auto Enrolment. Anyone contributing needs a full understanding of how it will benefit them and to what extent. Find out more about Auto Enrolment

At Moorepay, we know the payroll industry is constantly changing and is one of the most crucial engines of our economy and employee benefits, and we always fully support the CIPP in promoting National Payroll Week.

As the payroll industry grows there’s a lot of new legislation and processes to make it easier to handle and manage payroll – wages, people and management systems.

The week has been established to pay respect to everyone that helps payroll run like clockwork – which is something which we all take for granted.

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About the author

Stuart Clough

Stuart (MCIPR) is a trained journalist, writer and marketer with ten years' experience in B2B, public sector and employee communications. A former marketing consultant and agency client-lead, Stuart is responsible for communications and content at Moorepay.

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