Bitesize demo | Faff-free HR & payroll reporting | Moorepay
Bitesize demo | Faff-free HR & payroll reporting
Past webinars

Bitesize demo | Faff-free HR & payroll reporting


Wednesday 7 August | 2pm – 2:15pm

Wondering how you can get more from your data to advise C-suite? Join our live demo and see how our automated reporting and analytics software can help you.

Don’t let inaccurate and ineffective reporting ruin your day. Step away from the excel spreadsheet and upgrade to automated payroll reporting, and beautifully displayed analytics. Watch our live demo to see just how easy we make reporting and data insights.

What we cover

  • All-in-one HR & payroll software

  • Customisable dashboards

  • Payroll analytics

  • Your questions answered in a live Q&A

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