Managing a fair and risk-free redundancy process | Webinar | Moorepay
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Managing a fair and risk-free redundancy process

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Wednesday 24 May | 11am

Making redundancies is never easy, but in difficult times it may be necessary to explore this option. If your business is in this situation, join our webinar where we’ll teach you how to manage a redundancy or restructuring process that’s fair, lawful and won’t mean a trip to the tribunal!

Our HR Advice Line Manager Lynda Arrowsmith has advised employers through every possible redundancy situation in her career. She’ll share her expertise in the process, including how to avoid common employment law pitfalls and reduce risk.

This includes:

  • What to do if you're considering redundancy

  • Cost-effective alternatives

  • Ensuring a fair process

  • Common pitfalls, and how to avoid them

  • A live Q&A with Lynda

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