Blog | Page 22 of 64 | Moorepay


March 4, 2022

What should employers do if remote staff have a power cut?

With storms causing all sorts of issues in the UK, power cuts have become a real risk for businesses. So what do you do if your employee who's working from home experiences a power shortage? Power shortages can happen at any time in the day and usually last for a few hours. Depending which members of staff are affected, at best it can be an inconvenience but at worst, it can affect operations and bring your business to a grinding halt. How should employees work…

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homeworking employee in a power outage
February 28, 2022

Microsoft integration: Changing the way holiday is booked

Employees can now book their holidays directly through Microsoft Outlook Office 365. Check emails and book holidays without switching screen. We’re usually against emails and holidays combining, but in this instance we’ll make an exception. Here’s what you can expect from this integration and the benefits coming along with it. Easy to access Our Next Generation Software is easy to access. And no, we’re not just talking about our fresh out the box Mobile App, (although it is pretty neat.) Accessibility also comes in the…

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Holiday Integration in Office 365
February 28, 2022

Ready for year end? Our Mobile App is

Just because the end of the tax year is drawing closer doesn’t mean we’ve taken our foot off the gas – here’s the latest and greatest from the Moorepay Mobile App. You’re welcome. So, what exciting new features are ready for the market? Expenses We’ve all been there. A long business trip, you’ve finally unpacked the suitcase that’s been staring you down, and what next? Expense admin. We can hear your eyes rolling. Receipts: you’ll lose some, some’ll be crumpled beyond repair and some will…

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Mobile App Expenses & P60s
February 24, 2022

Are we ready to start thinking about holidays again?

Summer is around the corner and as more countries begin to open their boarders to tourism, are we ready to start thinking about holidays again? For almost two years, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a stop to most types of holidays, especially long-haul travel. This has been devastating for the travel industry in particular, which relies on everyone enjoying a summer holiday or two. The government has set out the “Living with Covid-19” plan and as part of this the need to self-isolate has been…

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family at airport
February 24, 2022

Living with Covid: what does this mean for employers?

The recent 'Living with Covid Plan' set out by the prime minister means big changes to how Covid is managed in the workplace. But how will this impact your business? In general, the new guidance puts emphasis on the employers to manage the health and safety of their employees, rather than the rules being set by law. Here's a breakdown of the changes. Covid policy changes at a glance From 24 February: People who test positive for Covid-19 will no longer have to self-isolate. Those…

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woman wering mask looking at mac
February 16, 2022

Unlimited holiday: too good to be true?

Allowing staff to take unlimited paid time off work might seem like a fantastic benefit to improve employee wellbeing. But does this perk do more harm than good? What is unlimited holiday The trend of unlimited holiday started in Silicon Valley in the US, and is now being taken up by some companies in the UK - with a 148% rise on Indeed between 2017 and 2021, and 1% of jobs on the site offering it. When it began, unlimited holiday was heralded as being a…

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is unlimited holiday good or bad
February 8, 2022

What is and isn’t pregnancy and maternity discrimination

Many organisations can face challenging times where employee reductions are inevitable, once all other options are exhausted. When it affects those on maternity leave, things can get complicated. We advise how to manage this effectively and sensitively, and how to avoid any potential discrimination claims. The introduction of the Equality Act 2010 meant that pregnancy and maternity became a protected characteristic – rather than having to raise claims under “sex discrimination”, which happened prior to 2010. This means that any woman who is treated differently…

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pregnant woman sat at desk working
February 8, 2022

Should you offer enhanced maternity or paternity pay to your employees?

Data shows that nearly two thirds of UK businesses offer maternity pay above the statutory minimum, and three-fifths offer enhanced paternity pay. But would it be effective – and cost effective - in your business? Families have faced many challenges in the past few years, with childcare labelled the leading cause of stress by people working from home during the pandemic. And during this, many businesses are facing recruitment and retention issues as employees look for stable roles with better benefits. Supporting colleagues taking maternity and…

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enhanced maternity paternity pay
February 3, 2022

Top 6 ways to retain your best employees

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many employees to revaluate their values and priorities. This has led to employees switching jobs in droves. I’m sure you’ll agree that the skills, knowledge, expertise and experience of your employees is your most valuable asset. Losing your top employees is likely to have a detrimental impact on your organisation’s growth. So, what can you do to retain your talent? Offering more money may seem the obvious way to prevent resignations. However, in a post-pandemic world where values and priorities…

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Top 6 ways to retain your best employees
February 2, 2022

News | Payroll clerk jailed for stealing thousands from employees

Robert Carlin, a former payroll clerk, has been jailed after ‘abusing his position’ and stealing thousands of pounds from the employees of two organisations. The 40-year-old fraudulently transferred more than £55,000 from Reflex Labels into six of his own bank accounts. This was across 34 transactions between July and November 2018. He stole final salary payments being made to employees who were leaving the business. One former employee queried why they failed to receive the higher settlement payment they were expecting, and at this point,…

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international stress awareness week