News | Payroll clerk jailed for stealing thousands from employees | Moorepay
February 2, 2022

News | Payroll clerk jailed for stealing thousands from employees

international stress awareness week

Robert Carlin, a former payroll clerk, has been jailed after ‘abusing his position’ and stealing thousands of pounds from the employees of two organisations.

The 40-year-old fraudulently transferred more than £55,000 from Reflex Labels into six of his own bank accounts. This was across 34 transactions between July and November 2018. He stole final salary payments being made to employees who were leaving the business. One former employee queried why they failed to receive the higher settlement payment they were expecting, and at this point, Mr Carlin was brought in for questioning by police.

However, when Mr Carlin was released pending further investigation, he joined the accounts department at Bistrot Pierre, where he continued to fraudulently divert funds of over £7,000 into his own accounts.

Mr. Carlin pleaded guilty to the offences at Nottingham Crown Court and the judge described him as “thoroughly dishonest”, before handing him a 26-month prison sentence.

Detective Constable Lucy Ward, of Nottinghamshire Police’s Fraud Investigation team, said: “Carlin was a trusted employee but he abused his position by manipulating company systems for his own gain and committing fraud.

“I hope this case sends a clear message to those who believe they can abuse their position for their own financial gain that offences will be uncovered and you will be brought before the courts to answer to your crimes.

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Kate Thornton

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