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July 13, 2020

Faster Payments: The Fastest Payroll Payments

Waiting up to three working days for a BACS payment to land? That is so last year. You should be using Faster Payments and making payments in three seconds. If you work in payroll, you’ll know that sometimes mistakes happen. It’s not right and it’s not pretty. But occasionally things get missed, balls are dropped, and that new starter your business was so excited to welcome, hasn’t been paid. ARGHHHH! Every minute, every hour, and – heaven forbid – every day that employee hasn’t been…

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woman sat outside on phone
June 24, 2020

The Process of Performance Management for Homeworkers: 10 Top Tips

Are many of your employees still working from home? If yes, you're perhaps considering how best to effectively manage the process of performance management during this challenging time. The key performance management tools are still applicable, but they need to be adapted to fit the new working environment. Done well, this will help maximise productivity and allow you to find out about performance - without micromanaging! There are of course, additional challenges. For example, managing your whole team remotely and dealing with the impact of…

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Process of Performance Management
May 22, 2020

Is pay based on gender? 

Since the introduction of gender pay gap reporting, you'd hope men and woman doing comparable jobs would be paid the same. But in reality, is pay based on gender? In a recent discrimination case heard by an employment tribunal, a female journalist working for the BBC and presenting a news programme, was paid £440 per episode. Meanwhile, a male presenter was paid £3,000 per episode, albeit for a slightly different type of programme. The BBC argued, amongst other things, that the male presenter was required to be…

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is pay based on gender
May 21, 2020

P60 Explained: What is a P60 and the Benefits of an Electronic P60

The deadline for issuing P60s is fast approaching. All employers are legally obliged to issue P60s to employees by 31 May. So, we've summarised what a P60 is, what's on a P60 and the benefits of an electronic P60. What’s a P60? A P60 (also known as an End of Year Certificate) is an annual statement issued to employees by their employer. It outlines the tax and national insurance (NI) contributions employees have paid over the previous tax year. As an employer, you’re legally obliged…

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P60 Explained
May 19, 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020: Kindness in the Workplace

The 18 - 24 May 2020 is Mental Health Awareness Week. This year, faced with the ramifications of a global health crisis, it's more important than ever to look after the mental health of your employees. Inspired by the tremendous acts of kindest we have seen throughout communities across the country, kindness is the chosen focus of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week. A study conducted by the Mental Health Foundation had some interesting findings. Two-thirds of people said that being kind to others has…

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kindness in the workplace
May 18, 2020

Health & Safety: Supporting Sustainable Economic Recovery  

An economic downturn following the COVID-19 pandemic is widely reported in the news. Plus, there's an understandable anxiety amongst many about going back to the workplace. As a result, lots of small businesses are concerned about how they will return to more 'normal' operations.  The Government has released anticipated timelines allowing businesses to make plans for the coming months. Many business owners may not automatically think about consulting with a H&S professional to support their planning. However, it’s times like these when H&S can demonstrate a…

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woman on the phone smiling while on ipad
May 18, 2020

Quick Wins: How to Reduce Business Costs

The full financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic are yet to be seen. But it will inevitably take years for business and the economy to recover. As a result, most businesses are already looking for ways to reduce their costs and improve cashflow. Are you a business owner, a Financial Director, or responsible for the purse strings in your business? Keep reading to find out how to reduce your business costs. Better debt management Our top tip here is to be proactive. Don’t wait around…

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how to reduce business costs
April 30, 2020

How we’ve Helped our Customers to Adapt and Respond to the Coronavirus Crisis

As we reach week six of lockdown, I wanted to reflect on the journey we’ve taken at Moorepay. I’m sure you’ll all agree that as well as the serious implications for people’s health and the NHS, coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a significant impact on UK businesses. A big thank you to the Moorepay team for their dedication to supporting customers through these challenging times Here at Moorepay, we're acutely aware of the extreme pressure that all our customers are currently under. Like many businesses, we’ve been working tirelessly…

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Anthony Vollmer portrait
April 28, 2020

UK Payroll Legislation Changes for 2020/2021 Tax Year

On 6 April 2020 a new tax year started, bringing with it a new set of rules. So, we've highlighted the main payroll legislation changes you need to be aware of. This includes new legislation, changes to legislation and delays to legislation being implemented due to COVID-19. In addition, for more detailed information on what’s changed, you can download our Payroll Legislation Guide. 1. COVID-19 Job Retention Scheme On Friday 20 March 2020, Chancellor Rishi Sunak set out a package of temporary measures to support…

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UK Payroll Legislation Changes for Tax Year 202021
April 22, 2020

Here’s the Easiest way to Stay up-to-date with New Payroll Legislation

Whether you’re a payroll professional, a HR Manager, or a business owner, keeping on top of new payroll legislation is hard work. Just when you think you’re compliant – there’s something new to remember! And getting your payroll calculations wrong can incur hefty fines from the HMRC. It can also damage your company’s reputation - remember the companies named and shamed in 2018 for failing to pay National Minimum Wage?! What’s more, incorrect payments can harm your employee morale, which undoubtedly has a knock-on effect…

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new payroll legislation