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December 18, 2019

How to Write a Health & Safety Risk Assessment for Winter Weather

While most of us agree that snow is picturesque, adverse weather conditions can have a catastrophic effect on businesses that do not have contingency plans in place. Consequently, at this time of year it's important to ensure you've completed a risk assessment for winter weather to protect your employees, customers, and the public-at-large. What does the law have to say around cold weather? The HSE’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) L24 for the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations (ACOP 12 paragraph 116) explicitly refers…

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Tis the Season to Carry Out Health & Safety Risk Assessments for the Cold Weather
December 12, 2019

Should Employers Ban the Use of Mobile Phones at Work?

It’s December. Emily is engrossed in a WhatsApp group about a Christmas night out with the girls. Mark is frantically ordering Christmas presents for his nieces and nephews. And Ahmed is researching things to do in Prague in preparation for his new year getaway. We all know productivity plummets in December. But is the use of mobile phones at work fuelling this disengagement? When it comes to reviewing the use of personal mobile phones at work there are several factors to consider beyond obvious productivity…

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Mobile phones in the workplace
December 11, 2019

The Work Christmas Party: Dreading it? # MeToo

Ahh the work Christmas party! A time for colleagues to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed setting. Unfortunately, employers can't just hire a venue, provide a turkey dinner and get a good DJ. There's much more to consider to make sure everyone stays safe and has a good time. Last year, sexual harassment complaints soared as global media stories shone the spotlight on accounts of sexual harassment. Think Harvey Weinstein, and the social media #MeToo movement. What's…

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work christmas party
December 8, 2019

Five Employee Absence Tips for Winter Weather

If there's anything you can trust about the British weather, it's that it's unpredictable. Therefore it’s vital for businesses to start preparing early for freezing weather and the subsequent increase in employee absences. Extreme weather conditions tend to cause a dramatic rise in staff absences because road and rail disruption, combined with school closures, make it difficult for employees to make it in to work. Effective absence management and flexible working options can help maintain staff productivity and reduce the cost to businesses. Here are…

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Five Employee Absence Tips for Winter Weather
December 6, 2019

Think Safety when Decorating the Office for Christmas

What can you possibly do in an office around Christmas that puts life and limb at risk? The answer you’re searching for is hanging up decorations around the office. Many people don’t consider the risks attached to readying the workspace for festive fun. Trips/slips or falls, electrical incidents and manual handling/lifting are the top three causes of accidents at work. Therefore, we've created a short guide to decorating the office safely and spotting the risks that are right in front of your eyes. Hanging decorations…

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Top Tips for Decorating the Office Safely
December 5, 2019

How do I Manage Annual Leave at Christmas?

Christmas may be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, but for many employers it can be a time-consuming and administrative nightmare. Think seasonal trading spikes, an influx of annual leave requests and the challenge of coordinating the Christmas rota. Holiday entitlement and how effectively requests are managed directly impacts employee satisfaction. Getting the basics right is crucial to creating a positive employee experience. We’ve pulled together a list of the top three most commonly asked questions to help you prepare for the festive season from…

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Holiday Headaches: Five Questions Answered for a Stress-Free Festive Season
November 25, 2019

Sickness Absence: Busting the Myths for Employers

'My employee is off sick - what am I allowed to do as an employer?' Questions about sickness absence are some of the most common calls our Advice Line receives. Did you know that sickness absence costs small business around £300,000 a year?   The average employee takes seven days of sick leave per year, at an average cost of £550 per employee. Despite the major impact sickness absence has on their organisation, many employers fear taking any action. Why? Because of the myths surrounding what they can and can’t…

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sickness absence
November 19, 2019

How to Prepare for the New Annual Leave Year

Does your annual leave entitlement renew in January? Have you got employees with weeks' worth of holidays still left to take? Can they carry it into next year? Read on for everything you need to know about the importance of employees taking annual leave and the rules for carrying days over. Why is the management of annual leave so important? From a business perspective the impact of getting holiday planning wrong can be significant. I’m sure you remember when Ryanair were forced to cancel 40-50…

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How to prepare for the new annual leave year
October 30, 2019

Do Your Employees Have a Work Addiction?

Summer holiday season has been and gone and it's time to ask yourself a question. Were my holidaying employees really taking a break from work? If they obsessively checked their work emails and regularly took calls; is it just a healthy love of the job, or is it a work addiction? The medical community recognise work addiction as a real mental health condition. People with a work addiction are likely to engage in compulsive working - which can be hard to spot in a culture…

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work addiction
September 27, 2019

New Engaged Employer Report Highlights Key Benefits for Attracting and Retaining Talent

 UK businesses are facing some of the most pressing recruitment challenges in living memory. We're seeing near-full employment with the number of jobs outstripping candidates by a ratio of 5-to-1. This has led to severe pressure on employers to recruit and retain. 83% of employers say their employees are looking for more than just pay At the same time, wage growth has stagnated for many years, UK businesses are facing a chronic productivity problem, and employee wellbeing has gone to the top of business…

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New Engaged Employer Report Highlights key Benefits for Attracting and Retaining Talent