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December 1, 2015

Top tips for managing absence during bad weather

Winter is here and it could be colder and snowier than normal. Advanced weather models are predicting months of heavy snowfall, with conditions expecting to mirror those of winter 2009 / 2010 which was so long and chilly it was dubbed “the Big Freeze”. Staff absences tend to raise dramatically during extreme weather as road and rail disruption, combined with school closures make it difficult for employees to make it in to work. Effective absence management and flexible working options can help maintain staff productivity…

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people out walking in snowstorm
December 1, 2015

Festive Fallout: Holidays, Absence and Annual Leave at Christmas

The festive period is a time when many businesses see extra demand for their products and services, but it also sees staff absence levels and annual leave requests sky rocket. With a combination of sick days following Christmas parties and a large number of employees requesting time off, it can be difficult for employers to keep track of it all. With the Christmas holidays just around the corner, employers can make it easier on themselves by planning ahead to combat the array of possible holiday…

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christmas lights
November 13, 2015

Do you have more employees than you think?

In a recent survey of people who ‘work for themselves’, it was found that 1 in 10 were actually employees, even though these people were classed as self-employed. However, the biggest area of concern is the Construction industry where it is estimated that over 50% of self-employed workers are, in fact, employees. This could mean that over a million ‘employees’ are missing our on such things as holiday pay; the government is losing tax revenue which could be over £1.5 billion per year; and responsible…

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robots stood against wall
November 13, 2015

Employers may not be controlling Hazardous Substances

Many employers are unaware that some of the substances they use could result in their employees suffering adverse health effects. One of the most common failings identified our team of Health & Safety professionals relates to the management of Substances Hazardous to Health. The information gathered by employers on this topic is often out dated, which means that their Health & Safety assessments could no longer be suitable or sufficient if the supplier’s information, ingredients or exposure levels have changed. So how can you make…

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woman with headst on working at PC
November 12, 2015

Director gets 12 month prison sentence for Health & Safety breaches

More and more Directors and Senior Managers are being prosecuted alongside the companies they own or manage for Health & Safety breaches. Figures published indicate a 400% increase in this type of prosecution from 2000 to 2011 and they continue to feature heavily in the news. In a recent example, a skip company was fined £65,000, ordered to pay costs of £25,000 and the Director went to prison after an employee fell to his death in an excavator accident. The company was found to have…

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jail cell door
November 1, 2015

Christmas Party HR tips for employers

Office Christmas parties can be a fantastic morale boost for employees but employers need to be aware of potential risks, such as alcohol fuelled fights, discrimination and absenteeism. Employers have responsibility for their staff members at any work-related Christmas function. When employee behaviour strays into misconduct, particularly where alcohol is involved, they are often the result of arguments or frustrations from incidents over the year. They can escalate into fighting and far more serious incidents involving other people or property, accusations of sexual harassment and…

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man drinking in santa outfit
October 26, 2015

Buying a business – the potential pitfalls

You probably already know that employees have a number of rights under TUPE laws. However, you may not be aware that employers face a number of pitfalls when buying a business, which could result in huge fines if ignored. What is TUPE? Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006/2014, commonly referred to as TUPE, applies when there is a transfer of business or services from one employer or service provider to another. TUPE applies regardless of the size of the transferred business, whether it…

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man falling into a tornado of office supplies
October 22, 2015

Time spent travelling to work ‘is work’

The time spent travelling to and from the first and last jobs by employees without a fixed office should be regarded as work, European judges have ruled. Until now, mobile workers who travel to get to or from their first or last appointment of the day were not required to count that time as work. However, the European Court of Justice judgement (ECJ) has ruled that those without a fixed office should consider the time they spend travelling between their homes and the premises of…

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Payroll Specialist
October 22, 2015

Don’t let your employees end up in bandages this Halloween

Dressing up and decorating the office at Halloween can be fun. However, there are a few things to consider to make sure the day doesn’t end up with a trip to casualty. Decorations Make sure suitable step ladders are used for putting up any decorations.  Don’t use office chairs, desks, filing cabinets or domestic grade steps. Pumpkins with candles can be effective but do you need to introduce a naked flame into the workplace. Consider using battery powered tea lights or small torches in place…

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October 13, 2015

It’s easier to get prosecuted for Corporate Manslaughter

Businesses can more easily be brought to justice when people die as a result of their actions. Under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act, which came into force on the 6th April 2008, it is now easier to bring a company to justice following fatalities resulting from their undertakings. When a company is prosecuted it faces the prospect of being found guilty if they are judged to have caused death due to their gross corporate health and safety failings. Under previous legislation a company…

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woman sat on stool holding first aid kit