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November 21, 2023

Who has the right to human rights?

Human Rights Day is Sunday 10th December 2023 "Consolidating and sustaining human rights culture into the future" Human rights Day is observed by the international community every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day in 1948 that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What is a human right? Human rights are the basic rights that are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect, and independence. These values are defined and protected by law. “Human rights are rights we…

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group of colleagues discussing around a table
November 15, 2023

Case law | Rejecting a complaint was sexual harassment

Although this judgment was issued in 2021, given the recent focus on entire industries asking for a mass return to the office, we thought it wise to review previous case law.  Mrs J Follows, employed by Nationwide as a Senior Lending Manager (SLM) on a home working contract, was unfairly dismissed and discriminated against when she was made redundant after failing to return to the office on a full-time basis.  London Central Employment Tribunal found that Mrs Follows was unfairly dismissed, indirectly associatively discriminated against,…

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October 18, 2023

It’s World Menopause Day—so let’s Talk Menopause!

The whole world is currently talking about menopause which can only be a good thing. Once a topic which was whispered under bated breath, is now fully discussed as the article below explains. We have recently written a brand-new Menopause policy to assist and support our clients to manage Menopause in the workplace more effectively. There is also a Management Guide, Risk Assessment Form and a short Menopause Awareness Training session. So, let’s all talk about Menopause!  Menopause. With more and more cases being won in Employment…

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World Menopause Day
October 17, 2023

How to use social media to recruit top talent

Whether your team is growing, someone’s resigned, or you need to cover a period of absence – social media is a great way to find the perfect candidates.   In this blog post, we share everything you need to know about using social media as a highly effective tool in your recruitment process. Read on or click the links below to jump ahead to the bits you’re most interested in.  What is social media recruitment? Why is using social media for recruitment so effective? Which social…

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woman with curly hair smiling down at laptop
October 5, 2023

Are sexual harassment claims on the increase in the workplace?

With the recent BBC news coverage, and investigations, relating to sexual harassment claims made against the former CEO of the US clothing brand Abercrombie and Fitch, we discuss if sexual harassment claims are on the increase within the workplace, and what steps can responsible employers take to reduce possible claims and to effectively manage these.  Although the allegations have yet to be proven, it does highlight another claim being made by former employees about sexual harassment incidents whilst at work.  MeToo Movement Are sexual harassment…

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Is workplace sexual harassment on the rise?
October 2, 2023

New DEI guidance for employers from CIPD

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has recently written a guide to “Transgender, Non-binary employees in the workplace” and they explain that the “purpose of this guide is to provide advice to help people professionals, employers and managers improve their understanding of issues and support them in delivering transgender and non-binary equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace”. This article intends to highlight some of the key elements of that guide, into a simplified, easy to read format.   Creating an all-inclusive policy As…

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boy in wheelchair speaking with three others at table
October 2, 2023

How HR can boost a companies financial success

At the centre of every successful organisation lies it’s beating heart, the HR department, driving critical activities such as recruitment, onboarding, and employee engagement and much more. Therefore, both directly and indirectly, HR influences almost every aspect of a company’s financial performance and can have an impact that is overwhelmingly profitable. Yet it can often be hard to prove this point, as people power is a metric that’s all too rarely measured. But this is starting to change, and HR teams that are adept at…

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man showing woman something on laptop
October 2, 2023

Black History Month | An interview with Olabisi Fashina

This year for Black History Month, we're celebrating the careers and contributions of our colleagues with African or Caribbean heritage at Moorepay. In our conversation with Olabisi Fashina, Senior Business Analyst at Moorepay, we discuss her career, as well as why this month is so important and what lessons can be learnt to improve DE&I in the workplace. Can you give us an introduction into what you do at Moorepay? I work as a Senior Business Analyst and my role basically entails gathering and documenting…

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Olabisi Fashina
September 29, 2023

How to track performance of remote workers

Hybrid and remote working are now standard practice in many sectors across the UK. So much so that the UK has recently been named the work from home capital of Europe with its employees working an average of 1.5 days at home compared to the international average of 0.9 days. The change to remote working has forced a change in how employee performance is monitored. The common perception that employees are more likely to take adventure of being out of sight of their manager prompts…

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man with earbuds in on a teams meeting
September 28, 2023

Navigating the new flexible working legislation

The passing of the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 marks a significant change in how employers will need to respond to flexible working requests. This act, which has recently received royal assent and is expected to come into effect in 2024, ushers in a new era for requests for things like adjusted work hours, working from home, or compressed workweeks. In this article, we delve into the key changes brought about by the new legislation and outline what employers need to know, so that…

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man with headphones on talking to laptop