The twelve days of Christmas. HR style.  | Moorepay
December 1, 2023

The twelve days of Christmas. HR style. 

christmas data displays

It’s official. December is upon us, and we’ve (almost) made it to the end of the year. And what a year it’s been. Between an acquisition, sparkly new features and exciting enhancements, our product team have barely had time for a mince pie. Here’s a little reminder of our best bits.

One HCM & payroll platform (in a pear tree) 

Anyone who’s anyone knows we had some pretty big news in March of this year. We brought together the best in payroll, with the best in HR. And boy do you guys love it. Together, we’ve got an all-in-one platform that’s packed with oodles of HR modules and powerful payroll to boot. You can hear senior management gushing over it here.

Two additional recruitment reporting fields 

We know the devil is in the detail, that’s why we stuffed even more functionality into our report builder. This time focusing on our Recruitment module. From the video links candidates use to join meetings, to the internal recruiter who made the whole thing happen, get greater visibility – and quicker!

Recruitment is a personalised process, not one size fits all. That’s why we’ve made custom fields available throughout the process. Less ‘random office secret Santa’ and more ‘bespoke engraved gift!’

Three time off carryover visibility settings 

Now that’s a mouthful! Carryover holiday days are like a gift from your previous self, but the rest of the business don’t need to know that. Specially configured, public calendars saw leave marked up in this way, but now we’re giving you the gift of choice. Public visibility for this type of leave now has three options.

Four security login options 

We’re belt and braces when it comes to security. Our customers said they wanted the ability to mandate the use of Two-Factor Authentication or PIN login for Admin and HR users, with or without mandating it for employees.

So that’s exactly what we did, with four options spanning across Two-Factor Authentication. So you can have the peace of mind data is super secure, always.

Five training record attachments

Users have always had the option to attach course documentation to training records. But you said “No, you have so much more to learn!”

Listening to your feedback, we now allow up to five uploads per training recorded. Plus, we whacked on the option to download all, so you don’t have to faff about with multiple clicks. You’re welcome!

Six employee status improvements

Employee status ‘Oooo’ what is it? We’ve made it even quicker to get the inside scoop on your employees. Admins, employees and managers can now set their status from inside the software to ‘in work’ or ‘out of work.’

We embraced customisation in a warm festive hug, giving you the freedom to create your own custom statuses. Working remotely, travelling, on site, Christmas hangover, you know the drill.

Seven generation categories for reporting

Let’s hear it for the Gen Zs and the Baby Boomers! Demographics at a glance are easy peasey with our seven generation categories. See your distribution by generation across your business, department and over time. Get a better understanding of your business, meaning your choice is based on facts and figures, not that funny gut feeling.

Eight all singing, all dancing HCM modules

Performance, recruitment, time & attendance, employee engagement, expenses, assets, training and now a best of breed payroll module too. Gosh, we just spoil you.

Nine box grid

Our performance module is a bit of a looker. Preened to perfection, with everyone head over heels for one feature in particular, our nine-box grid.

To better inform succession planning, understand urgency and impact, we also added 3 new fields to the grid selector, including: risk of leaving, likelihood of leaving and impact of leaving. Taking the guesswork out of your next steps.

Ten stars in the form builder

Employees, managers and admins went all stary eyed when they saw the visual update to our form builder. Now we’ve always had rating scales, but in the spirit of Christmas we added some stars and called it festive.  

Eleven performance modules

Our performance module has tons of functionality, and you can boil that down into eleven show stopping areas. From the nine-box grid that’s already graced this countdown, to competencies, development, goals and succession. Now we could list all eleven, but there’s still one more in our countdown!

Twelve customer masterclasses

We want you to make the most of the software our team work so hard to create, that’s why one of our software experts hosted a customer masterclass every single month, focusing on just one area of the product – so you can understand it deeply. All free, all live. It’s just another opportunity to chat to you really!

And that’s just the half of it. If you want to know more about our HCM Software, book a demo today. (Mince pie not included)

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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