What are Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRA)? | Moorepay

Payroll Legislation

What are Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRA)?


What are Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRA)?


Ongoing requirement


If you offer your employees cash allowances, flexible benefit packages with a cash option, or salary sacrifice in return for a Benefit in Kind (BiK), here’s what you need to know:

  • All BiKs are now valued at the higher of the cash given up or the value under the traditional rules.
  • All previously non-taxable BiKs are now taxable, valued on the cash given up.
  • Cars with emissions of 75g CO2 /km or less, pensions, pension advice, childcare and Cycle to Work are unaffected.

Arrangements entered on or before 5 April 2017 kept their previous tax treatment until the earlier of a renewal or variation of the arrangement. Most pre-6 April 2017 BiKs moved into the new rules on 6 April 2018.

Benefits now subject to OpRA rules

  • Car parking
  • Private medical / dental insurance
  • Technology / mobile phones
  • Cars (over 75g / km) / vans
  • Car fuel
  • Accommodation
  • Use of assets – assets made available by employers for use by employees – e.g. computers, televisions, bicycles
  • Transfer of assets – assets bought, sold or given by employers to employees – e.g. computers, televisions, cars, bicycles
  • Authorised mileage allowance payments
  • Own goods / products
  • Health assessments
  • Pension loan

More detailed guidance has also been issued which forms part of the Employer Income Manual (EIM) part for OpRA guidance:

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