Bitesize demo | Payroll and pensions explained | Moorepay
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Bitesize demo | Simplifying pensions and payroll  


May 2024

Not paying or miss paying into your employees’ pension has serious legal implications. Get it wrong, and The Pensions Regulator have the power to issue you with big fines.  

Still manually calculating contributions, firing out auto-enrolment letters, and handling employee queries at a snail’s pace? You need payroll software that does the hard yards for you.  

Trust Moorepay’s easy software to get it right, ensuring accurate and timely payroll with employer and employee contributions nailed every time. Watch our demo to see it in action.  

What we'll cover:

  • Employer and employee contributions

  • New starter enrolment

  • Auto-enrolment

  • Reporting & managing opt outs

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