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July 26, 2023

Dealing with an employee’s negative actions on social media

Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are part and parcel of an employee’s business and personal life. So it's not surprising that these are increasingly being used to air grievances about employers and fellow colleagues. If a disgruntled or former employee chooses to post negative material about you as an employer online or about one of their colleagues, it has the potential to cause serious damage to your reputation at the click of a button. Publication of the material in question may…

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woman relaxing on her phone with feet up on the table
July 24, 2023

Fast-food harassment

With the current media attention on a certain fast-food establishment and the various allegations of bullying, racial, and sexual harassment amongst their employees, it only highlights the need for a zero-tolerance approach when dealing with these types of claims.  Each organisation should have clear and well written policies in place and train their staff on the importance of bully and harassment policies.    A worker has a right to a safe working environment and the employer has a duty of care to provide this. All managers…

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man with burger in one hand, phone in the other
July 18, 2023

Spending a penny. Or a pound.

Expenses aren’t easy, a minefield of what can and can’t be claimed. Littered with manual processes and a ‘will they won’t they’ every payday. Our expenses module marries up with payroll, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.    Rummaging around at the bottom of a laptop bag, fishing for crumpled memories of a working lunch. Scanning, submitting and meeting that deadline, only for the whole thing to be rejected without an ounce of context. We all know the slog of submitting expenses, but…

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Spending a penny. Or a pound.
July 4, 2023

Performance: the silver bullet to employee motivation  

CEB found that 95 percent of managers are dissatisfied with the way their companies conduct performance reviews. So, what does a modern performance review look like? And how is it any different from old school methodology? Our performance module is here to help you take a different tact when it comes to managing performance.   Branded as a tick box exercise, and drawn out once a year for the benefit of HR and HR only, what is it about performance reviews that people hate? Traditionally considered…

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Performance: the silver bullet to employee motivation
July 4, 2023

Stop. Collaborate and listen | Combining payroll & HR. 

In our annual payroll survey, 13% of respondents cited integration as their number one frustration across payroll & HR. Well, hold onto your hats, because we’ve integrated the best in payroll with the best in HR. But here’s what that actually means.  Hitting save with your eyes half closed, and muttering a small prayer as you submit your payroll is no way to live your life. And let’s save a thought for the departments who crack their fingers as they rekey employee data into the…

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woman celebrating
June 30, 2023

Employee absence: the real wellbeing indicator

Sally is always on the sick, or am I imagining it? And what’s our sickness policy again? Our brand-new excessive sickness alerts take the guess work out of absence, enabling managers to support wellbeing when employees might need it most. There’s a long list of reasons why employees might not feel like rocking up. Maybe they just hate Mondays, or maybe there’s something more serious going on. Something that needs to be carefully supported by HR and line managers. That’s where our excessive sickness alerts…

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moorepay payroll software on macbook
June 30, 2023

Talking: a ground-breaking way to connect your workforce

Need easy onboarding, personalised profiles and a quick way to get your employees in the know? Time for us to talk to you about our new ‘Skills & Interests’ feature When you’re new to a business, things have a habit of going in one ear and out the other. Thinks like names, job titles and what the heck people actually do for eight hours of the day. Our ‘Skills & Interests’ feature is a quick way for employees to personalise their profile, making it even…

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What is flexible working
June 29, 2023

New workplace standards for menopause and menstruation support are launched

Thanks to recent media attention, such as Channel 4's Davina McCall: Sex, Mind and the Menopause, there's now increased awareness of the effects of the menopause. However, despite the menopause discussion growing louder, many women still feel reluctant to talk about their symptoms in the workplace. Recent research from Peppy showed that just 22% of workers have spoken about menopause at work and sadly research from the Fawcett Society suggested about 10% of those experiencing menopause have left the workplace due to symptoms such as hot flushes, ‘’brain fog’’, anxiety, low mood,…

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woman smiling at computer from far away
June 28, 2023

Is vaping at work gross misconduct?

Vaping at work is a complex issue with no easy answers. Employers should carefully consider all of the relevant factors before making a decision about whether action is needed for an employee for vaping at work. By having a clear policy in place and enforcing it consistently, one can help to create a safe and productive workplace for all employees. Vaping is often seen as a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, as it doesn't produce tar or other harmful chemicals. However, there's still limited research…

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man vaping outside of work truck
June 27, 2023

The iceberg of the tip

Are you like me, increasingly confused about leaving tips when you eat out? Do you interrogate the waiting staff about who benefits from the ‘service charge’ that’s appeared on your bill? Do you find yourself fuming because you gave the waiter a cash tip only to spot, subsequently, that a service charge had already been added? The swing to a cashless society, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, reflects a significant lifestyle change. The practice of adding a service charge to bills, mainly in the hospitality…

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Leaving a tip