A study carried out in 2020 shows that staff are increasingly taking more absence days – averaging at 6.5 days per employee a year.
The most common reasons for sickness absence (prior to new COVID-19 challenges), are minor illnesses, accounting for 27.2% of the total days lost to sickness, musculoskeletal problems at 19.7% and mental health conditions at 12.4%. But absences could also reflect inflexible work practises or other issues in the workplace.
How can you manage absence?
By identifying issue trends, businesses can develop policies and procedures that focus on preventing absence, rather than punishing people for their previous absences.
You can never eradicate staff absence, but we can help you manage it effectively.
Download this whitepaper to understand the trends and implications of the cost of absence to your business.
Once you’ve read it, you may want to watch our past webinar on the easy way to manage absence, or use our absence costs calculator.