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September 22, 2023

Elevating employee experience: what’s new in our Mobile App

Another day, another release, another feature. It’s no rest for the wicked, or our product team as it seems. When it comes to the little screen, they’ve been working their fingers to the bone. So, what’s gracing the stage now? Document Centre Ah Document Centre, a bang up to date version of leaving notes on someone’s desk. It’s the quick and easy way to get company policies and information out to your employees, without the illegible handwriting. And customers loved it so much, we just…

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The gift of time (and attendance)
September 18, 2023

9 things to consider when writing a job description 

Traditionally, job descriptions haven’t always made for engaging reading. But in the face of talent shortages, HR professionals have been compelled to make these more enticing to stand out from the competition when attracting candidates. Your job ad is a necessary part of the recruitment process. Your advert is usually the first touch point in the hiring journey, so it needs to resonate with the right candidates.  When writing a job description there’s a range of considerations to factor in. It needs to convey all…

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9 things to consider when writing a job description
September 1, 2023

How to tackle poor performance 

Managing poor performance can be both time consuming and frustrating for a line manager. Having even just one underperforming employee in your team could have a huge impact on productivity and morale. Here are some tips to ensure that addressing poor performance issues doesn’t take up all of your valuable time:  1. Don’t avoid the issue  The key is to address any performance issues as soon as you become aware of them and not leave them to snowball until they become bigger issues. Taking action at…

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concerned employer pointing at papers employee is holding
August 31, 2023

How are younger people unlawfully discriminated against at work?

“Baby faced”, “inbetweener” – just a couple of the terms used to describe 25-year-old Keir Mather who has just been elected as Labour MP for Selby & Ainsty and becomes the youngest member in the House of Commons.    Age discrimination and younger workers   While age is often the ‘forgotten’ protected characteristic (with older people suffering both systemic disadvantage and sometimes jibes that would not be tolerated about other groups) many overlook entirely the way in which younger people can be unlawfully discriminated against at work.…

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woman talking to someone on laptop
August 31, 2023

Data protection, careless moments and the £4.4 million fine 

Are you old enough to remember the hysteria of the Millenium/Y2K bug? Computer systems programmed to recognise two-digit year dates may fall over when 99 became 2000. Every organisation frantically reviewing and updating their systems.   Roll forward to 2018 and the advent of GDPR and UK Data Protection Act. It was Y2K all over again. Scrambling round like headless chickens trying to understand horrifically complex and far-reaching legislation. Many took matters very seriously. And some still do. Others have taken their foot off the gas.  …

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password screen on laptop
August 31, 2023

Moorepay Diversity & Inclusion Calendar 2023-2024 

With over 200 important dates for the remainder of this year and 2024, this calendar aims to highlight important themes around Diversity and Inclusion to help promote awareness of diversity throughout your organisation.  Raising awareness can encourage self-learning and personal development, provide accessible information on dates, holidays and events for all employees and support your organisation’s diversity, cultural and quality training objectives.   September 2023  World Alzheimer’s Month  World Alzheimer's Month is an annual international event, always held in September and run by Alzheimer’s Disease International,…

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team members having a meeting together
August 29, 2023

The gift of time (and attendance)

43% of hourly workers admit exaggerating their hours. So, with almost half of your workforce taking you for a ride, what are you doing about it? The truth is you’re probably losing a pretty penny when it comes to employee time theft. That’s employees fudging their start time, slimming down their lunch break, and not even mentioning that early finish. If you’re in the pits of paper timesheets, you can add a heap of workload and human error to that to-do list. Let’s be real,…

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The gift of time (and attendance)
July 31, 2023

New act for parents of children needing neonatal care – what employers need to know.

New parents will have a right to additional, dedicated time to spend with their baby while they’re receiving specialist medical care. What’s happened? Introduced as a Private Members Bill by Stuart C McDonald MP, the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 will introduce two new statutory rights—neonatal care leave and neonatal care pay.  The rights proposed by the Scottish National Party member for Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East, were afforded a boost last summer when the government decided to back it as opposed to…

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Neonatal care
July 31, 2023

9 ways to manage non-genuine absence

Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that sickness absence has now hit it's highest level on record since 2004. The main course of absence are minor illnesses such as coughs, colds, flu, sickness, nausea and diarrhoea. While employees are entitled to take time off for illness (we all get sick once in a while) it is well known that some employees will take adventure of sick leave and will report sick with such minor illness when they are in fact fit…

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empty desk with laptop
July 28, 2023

What to do if your employee has a miscarriage, but doesn’t meet the support criteria?

There are a lot of positive changes happening now with family friendly rights in employment law, which is great news for parents or expectant parents who meet certain eligibility criteria. But how do you support employee miscarriage when they don't meet the current legislative criteria for support? Please note that throughout the article the term ‘miscarriage’ will include miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy. If a baby is stillborn (which is a loss after 24 weeks of gestation) the law and employee’s rights are very different.…

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woman staring out of window in hospital bed