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July 20, 2015

Ensure your heating is ready for the winter

In the summer, it seems wrong think about servicing your heating systems. However, inspection and servicing of Gas Appliances and other types of heating now can prevent issues in the winter. Summer and autumn are the ideal time to have your heating systems checked in particular checks for Carbon Monoxide. Often employers wait until the winter for these tests and then discover that their heating system either doesn’t work or has to be switched of until repaired. This then leaves a cold workplace and a…

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close up of radiator dial
June 19, 2015

Review of Employment Tribunal Fees

The Government has announced its review of Employment Tribunal fees, which is expected to conclude towards the end of this year. The review will consider how effective the introduction of fees has been at meeting the original objectives, while maintaining access to justice. The original objectives were: to transfer some of the cost from the taxpayer to those who use the service, where they can afford to do so to encourage the use of alternative dispute resolution services, for example, ACAS conciliation to improve the…

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June 19, 2015

Dealing with derogatory comments on Facebook

A staggering 59% of the UK population have active social media accounts, with 32 million using a mobile device to access. According to a We Are Social article, the average daily use of social media amounts to 2 hours and 13 minutes - more than half the time that people in the UK spend on the internet. Facebook is the top active social platform with 43% on the network. With the high level of access and usage of Facebook on a daily basis, it is…

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June 15, 2015

New asbestos rules – your employees could need Health Surveillance

Does your business work with asbestos? If so, your employees may be required to be under surveillance by a doctor. A new law, which came into force in April 2015, states that any employee or self-employed contractor undertaking “Notifiable Non-Licensed Asbestos Work” must be subject to Health Surveillance by a doctor. However, this level of surveillance does not only apply to people undertaking licensed work. What type of work does this apply to? Notifiable Non-Licenced Asbestos Work includes (but is limited to): Large-scale removal of textured decorative…

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May 28, 2015

Sun, Sea and Suspicious Safety Policies

Summer is almost upon us and we can all enjoy hot sunny weather... but beware it has its dangers. During a prolonged heat wave there are health risks. The very young, the elderly and the seriously ill are groups who become particularly at risk with health related problems (sun stroke, dehydration). "In the 2003 heat wave, there were 2,000 to 3,000 excess deaths [more than usual] in England. Across Europe, there were around 30,000 excess deaths."  If you are an employer or responsible for external…

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April 30, 2015

Can The Cloud improve your HR?

It can be tricky to keep up with the day-to-day HR needs of your workforce. Paperwork, approvals, requests for information and staying compliant – they all take away from the main objectives of your business. Cloud-based HR systems can help remove the administrative stress from your growing HR needs and allow you to concentrate on your business. You already use the cloud…and may not even know it Over 75% of businesses are in, or are looking to move to, The Cloud for a variety of…

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April 22, 2015

Do you have a Clarkson working for you?

News reports and social media sites have been filled with views on Jeremy Clarkson following his alleged attack on a colleague. Love him or hate him, everyone seems to have an opinion on whether he should have continued in his employment or not. Jeremy Clarkson’s behaviour, both on and off the Top Gear camera, has seen him fall from one controversy into the next, before his employment came to an end in March 2015. Clarkson is said to have attacked a producer following a dispute…

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April 22, 2015

Cracking down on employee absence

As a country, we lose 131 million working days and £15 billion every year from sickness absence, according to recent figures. This is clearly a huge problem and employers should take whatever steps they can to manage both short-term and long-term absences effectively. Absences of 4 weeks or more is classed as a period of ‘long-term’ absence.  It is estimated that long-term sickness absence makes up 20% of all total absences and 70% of the cost to employers. Steps to Managing Sickness Absence… The following measures can be taken…

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April 22, 2015

What are your employees’ attitudes to Health & Safety?

Could your workers’ attitudes towards Health & Safety be causing accidents in your business? A large number of accidents in the workplace are caused by employees behaving in careless or unusual ways. Since the 1974 Act, businesses generally focused on managing safety in practical terms - i.e. guards in place, edge protection checklist etc. However, Health and Safety professionals are now looking into understanding the thinking behind the actions that result in accidents. Attitudes to safety can be difficult to manage – but current studies…

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April 21, 2015

Could your employees be driving while on drugs?

New legislation has been introduced which tightens the law on drugs and driving. That means it is now more important than ever to have a clear policy in place. The law on drink driving has been around for a long time now but the law on drugs and driving is comparatively new. The Drug Driving (Specified Limits) England & Wales Regulations 2015, introduced in March, sets limits on the amount of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs in the bloodstream of a driver. At present, the law…

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