Snow is falling on the slopes - Polish the skis and boards let the snow fun begin... | Moorepay
November 24, 2014

Snow is falling on the slopes – Polish the skis and boards let the snow fun begin…

If you’ve been working hard growing your business all year, you are entitled to some winter fun. But remember trips away have their hazards too…

Skiing has been very popular for many years and the numbers of those participating in the newer snow sports such as snowboarding short boarding has seen dramatic increases, since the winter Olympics.

Novices and experts alike will be out there on and off pistes practicing their skills at one of the many ski slopes in the UK and abroad.  For some it may be more off piste then on but let’s leave that for another article.

It all starts at the planning stage and you would not be the first or last to leave an important document or piece of vital equipment behind.

We often use check lists at work to ensure things run smoothly this may be a good idea to apply when planning your trip.

If you are skiing at one of the home slopes you will want the cold clear snowy weather However look to see if you need to take any preventive measures to protect the home.

Before we get on the slopes remember you are going away in winter and your home may well be at risk pipes could freeze you may not be using the car to travel so check for anti freeze in cars as these may not move for several weeks.

Travel Checklist / Do not Forget Any Medication

  • Packing is more demanding for winter trips then summer but some things will remain the same sun screen lip-salve / balm after sun moisturiser glasses both sun and normal wear goggles hats and swim suits.
  • If traveling abroad for your snow fun leave your self additional time for airport security and any weather delays on the roads to airports.
  • Travel by road have the car checked before setting off  look at investing in  wheel socks   snow chains, shovel, warm drinks blankets plenty of fuel in the tank maps
  • Check weather forecast for  route before leaving.


  • You may need to inform credit card, phone provider you are traveling abroad
  • Tickets, money (correct currency), passport, driving, licence, insurance details
  • Train, Ferry, Coach, maps, reservations, and time of departure pick up point
  • Hotel / accommodation reservation address location
  • Any ski club / group membership details that can give discount on facilities / equipment cameras chargers phone

Suitcase drill

Warm clothing jackets jumpers fleeces waterproofs thermal wear helmets hats neck warmers ski socks ski boots walking boots shoes toiletries night wear hair drier.

Getting ready

Activities on snow or ice even for the experts can be risky we can try and reduce the risk steps have been taken still carry a risk of injury to participants. Even professional skiers/ boarders have accidents.

If you apply a system of steps and checks for all activities snow / ice related it may help reduce the possibility of an accident or ruin what is a wonderful activity for all age groups.

The weather and accommodation is great and we’re ready for snow fun let’s get out and see the place STOP!

There are a few more things

Rules of conduct on the slopes these help keep both you and other safe and should be followed at all times:

  • Have respect for other skiers / boarders
  • Remember you are responsible for speed and control when skiing / boarding
  • You must choose a route that does not endanger other users ahead of you
  • Overtaking other slope users give the person you are overtaking room to move should it be necessary
  • When restarting after stopping  or moving  upward on a slope or re entering a marked slope check both upward and downward so as not to endanger others or them selves
  • Stopping on the slopes should be avoided unless absolutely necessary particularly in narrow places or where vision is restricted If a fall does occur you should move off pistes as soon as possible
  • Where you are climbing or descending on foot keep to the side of the slopes
  • Ski lift ensure you know how to enter / exit the chair   Asking is better the injury
  • Signs and flags are there for your safety and learn there meanings and information
  • Ski lifts ensure you know how to enter exit from the chair and
  • All slope users should give Assistance in the event of an accident

Identification / Accident

Where an accident does occur every skier / snowboarder whether witness or responsible party must exchange names address

Secure the accident area

It is a good practice to either cross skis or plant snow board above injured person if possible post someone up the slope to give warning

Basic first aid in the event of an accident

  • A) Airway ensure it is clear
  • B) Breathing check for breathing
  • C) Circulation cover wounds apply pressure keep warm no food / drink

Know how to alert emergency services and what the resort Emergency Services telephone number (is usually on pistes map)

As with 999 calls Inform Emergency services location nearest marker number of people injured any additional information


These are not exhaustive checklist on pre trip planning. Further guidance can be found on the Ski Federation (FIS) website.

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HR Consultancy Team Moorepay

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