Why employee experience is crucial to business performance | Moorepay
June 18, 2021

Why employee experience is crucial to business performance

Why employee experience is crucial to business performance

We’re not talking free fruit, duvet days and dogs in the office – we’re talking about true online employee experience. It’s the buzzword that’s thrown around a lot in the industry, but how does it impact business performance?

Poor productivity

We’ve all been there: spending minutes, hours, what feels like weeks searching for the right screen, then combing through FAQ’s on how to submit something, all for an error screen to be spat out at the other side. Ineffective, dated and clunky software is the root of dwindling productivity. Investing in the proper payroll & HR payroll software for your employees will improve day to day efficiency and put a smile on the faces of your payroll & HR department.

Poor morale

They say a workman is only as good as his tools! Sometimes businesses can feel like their processes are held together with a piece of string, and the office might as well be someone’s garage. Investing in software and service tells employees that you as a business are investing back in them. New and effective tech is a sure-fire way to boost employee morale. Helpful features such as feedback and recognition will go a long was to boost this as well.

Poor retention

Ask almost any HR manager and they are almost guaranteed to say “attracting and retaining top talent is top of the agenda.” Research from Workfront suggests almost half of workers (49%) will quit their job if their workplace technology is up to scratch. So, if you’re up for loosing nearly half of your workforce, keep investing in poor technology.

What makes a ‘good’ employee experience?

So, we know what makes up poor employee experience and how damaging it can be, but what does good look like?

Employee benefits

There is no such thing as a free lunch, but there is such a thing as a welcome discount on your gym membership, food shop and dentist appointments. Employee benefits come in many shapes and sizes. The trick is to opt for an employee benefits package that is diverse enough to cater to your whole workforce, and of course, it needs to be accessible online.

Training & development plans

And how does this fall into business growth, we hear you cry? Well, research shows that companies investing in skill development boast a 24% higher profit margin, while 40% of employees with poor training leave their jobs within the first year.

With many businesses now opting for a remote, or hybrid working model it can be difficult to implement successful training and onboarding. Investing in a learning management system dedicated to training and development will aid employee engagement and in turn boost business growth.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

As your most valuable asset, supporting the mental health and wellbeing of employees should be a central focus for every business. Implementing an online EAP service to support the wellbeing of your employees will help your employees feel valuable and supported by their employer.

Employee self-service

Sometime D.I.Y is the way to go. An effective employee self-service platform that links to payroll & HR lets your employees view and own their own data, improving the online experience. Plus, there are only so many times your payroll team can hear “where is my payslip” before they lose the will to live.

Single sign-on

Do your employees have a long list of passwords sticky noted to their desktop, or maybe scribbled on the front of their diary? What a security nightmare! Single sign-on software reduces the burden of password management that inevitably falls on your IT department and overall is a better experience for your employees.

Further reading

If you’d like to read more on how to improve business performance, read our article on five ways software integration will save you money.


Huffington Post


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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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